God Speaks in Many Ways – This week it was a dream.

Dreams Key Representing Hopes And Visions


Hello my friends,

As you know, the theme of my blog is about how to hear the voice of God. There are truly so many ways He speaks into our lives. My heart and passion is to help people to hear Him. Some days I want to shout from the mountaintops: HE SEES YOU! HE WANTS YOU TO COME TO HIM! HE IS SPEAKING…DON’T MISS IT!

But we are all born into brokenness and spiritual blindness. We have to stop looking with our eyes and start listening with our ears… our hearts… our minds… our circumstances… our dreams… our minds.

Most of the time, in my experience, He speaks through the world He made. He speaks through circumstances and people. And every once in awhile, a true miracle happens where a person will audibly hear Him, or have an open vision, or a vivid dream that means something.


Two nights ago He spoke an answer to a prayer in a dream for me. This is a first for me. He has spoken to me in so many ways before but not a dream. This dream was so obviously God, I wanted to share it for all of you who could use a little encouragement in your walk to pursue Him.

I’ve been very sick for almost 8 weeks now. I’ve never been sick like this, at least not since I was a little girl. I’ve been to the doctor and the ER, been through a round of antibiotics and nothing has helped. What was finally determined is that I had an allergic reaction to mold which sent me into a bronchial infection that turned into asthma. Eight weeks later I was still having a hard time breathing, wheezing with every breath. I can’t stand not being able to breathe clearly. I have been so frustrated and have been searching for a natural answer to asthma as all of the doctors say there is no cure for asthma and you just have to take medications to “control” it. THAT is not acceptable to me. I know there is an answer and I prayed and asked God to lead me to the answer or lead me to the person who would have it.


Two nights ago at 4AM I awoke from a vivid dream. In the dream I was searching the internet and on my computer screen it said, “CURE FOR ASTHMA: FENUGREEK” – Then, I woke up. I thought, “Could this be a dream from God or was this just my overactive mind dreaming of finding the answer?”

I didn’t know the properties of Fenugreek. I knew it was an herb, but I remembered it mostly from when I was having children and that people used it for nursing purposes. Haven’t thought of that herb in years.

I got out my iphone and did a quick search for Fenugreek and asthma. I have heard of Fenugreek but don’t know what it is used for. I wasn’t even sure I remembered how to spell it right! Sure enough, there were tons of articles about using Fenugreek to control asthma!!!  That next morning I ran to Whole Foods and bought a bottle of Funugreek seed capsules and slammed down 4 of them in the parking lot. (I was still wheezing with every breath.) By the time I got home 20 minutes later, the wheezing had calmed way down. All day long I controlled the asthma with the Fenugreek capsules. That night I got a whole night’s sleep for the first time in weeks!

I’ve been using the Fenugreek now for two days and can tell I am getting better. It controls the asthma but then I can tell when it wears off and I need more, but my understanding in controlling asthma is to calm the lungs and everything down where nothing spasms and your attack is over. I have just had two days of calmness and full breaths and I would have never known about this marvelous herb had the Lord not spoken to me in my dream!

Have you heard Him speak in your life lately? Pursue Him my friends. Seek the Lord while He may be found. The eyes of the Lord move throughout the earth that He may STRONGLY support those whose hearts are completely His… That is scripture. He wants you to come to Him so that He can help you as you walk spiritually blind through this world. He loves you dearly. Take the leap and draw near to Him. Start with a prayer asking Him to open your ears and heart to recognize His voice when He speaks to you. I promise you won’t be disappointed!




To get Wendy’s book, Snatchproof, The Art of Hearing God’s Voice, click HERE.

2 Replies to “God Speaks in Many Ways – This week it was a dream.”

  1. I love it that we both blog for the same exact purpose… To teach how to hear God’s voice. Dreams were one if the first ways I started hearing God. I LOVE your testimony!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful! This is the quest I am on at the moment tuning myself to hear the Shepherd’s Voice above all else. I too have seen answers to questions and prayers in my dreams. I write them down daily now some I share online others are answers for me personally. He is awesome. I’d been praying for literally weeks to get closer to God and He is answering in the most amazing and healing ways too. God Bless jacqui x


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